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Cattle Feed

The production of a good quality range cube or other cattle feed involves many factors. All of our range cubes, starter feeds and protein supplements are made from high quality ingredients that insure a quality product - both nutritionally and physically. Quality ingredients are a must as "palatability" and "pelletability" are both important factors.

With any quality feed, protein and energy requirements run "hand in hand." Our feeds contain only quality ingredients that insure maximum digestibility and a combination of protein sources allowing "timely release" and maximum utilization.

All range cubes are delivered in a "fines reclaiming" paddle truck or a pneumatic air trailer. Both systems insure delivery of a quality range cube with a minimal amount of fines.

All cattle feeds sold by our company are certified to be in compliance with the BSE (mad cow) compliance program and do not contain any ingredient not approved under these guidelines.

Winter, summer and fall contract pricing is available to guarantee input costs and take maximum advantage of any increase in ingredient prices.

Sowder Seed Co and Min Mix Minerals have been in the "range cube business" for over 50 years and are very knowledgeable in what makes a quality range cube. Our motto is "Beef Cattle are our Business" and each customer can be assured that all range cubes manufactured and delivered by us will meet our high standards will meet with your satisfaction.

For additional information: Call Min Mix Minerals at 1-800-530-5442 or E mail at [email protected] or [email protected]